By []Marsha Rogers
1) Eco-friendly Font
Save 25% more toner on your printer cartridge by simply downloading a free font that allows you to print with less ink. More toner means less shopping trips to the store and more money saved.
2. Reusable Dryer Sheet
This quick tip cut out those annoying dryer sheets you find everywhere while still giving the great feel of fabric softener. Simply take an old microfiber rag you have from washing your car by hand and soak it in your favorite fabric softener. Then hang to dry and throw it in the dryer with your clothes like you would a regular dryer sheet for up to 50 dryer cycles. I have been using this for the last month and have been extremely happy with the way the clothes have turned out. They have no static electricity and feel and smell like my favorite softener with each and every load I do.
3. Coupon Cutting Website
Finding a good coupon website can be difficult. There are so many scams out there that who has the time to find a real coupon site. Kroger's now offers you to add coupons onto your Kroger card which will automatically show up at the checkout counter. Ask friends and family for other websites and ideas as I am sure they have some they would love to share.
4. Garden Growing
Not as quick and easy as the others, but took our family only a day to make (2) 4x8 garden boxes with recycled material we had around the house. All we had to purchase was the soil and the seeds which came to $35 per box. We also built a compost bin with material a neighbor gave us. Look in your neighborhood ads for free deals on concrete blocks, rock, and other landscaping material. Often people will let you have their odd leftovers for free if you pick it up.
The garden will truly pay off in the fall when we are able to pick our own fruits and veggies which are not only organic, but free.
5. One Day of No Electricity
We chose Sunday afternoon as our day to just spend it outside, weather permitting, without all our electronic gadgets that usually distract us. No television, No iPod's, No Cell Phones (parents this includes you too!)
Now I have to say, my family was not a huge fan of this concept at first. So I got them on board by building the garden for our first day with no electricity. They didn't even realize they did it. Granted we used power tools to help build the garden boxes, but no major electronics is our standpoint. It saves the energy bill while increases our family time
6. Save Unused Coffee, Food
Unused food or coffee grinds can go in your compost pile to help give it the ingredients it needs. I also store the coffee from the morning I didn't drink in the fridge. In the afternoon I enjoy a nice iced coffee from the mornings leftovers instead of having to brew a whole new pot of coffee.
7. Say NO to Plastic Bags while shopping
I enjoy scrapbooking and creative outlets, however, these hobbies get expensive. Always needing wrapping paper around the house, I decided to start asking for paper bags at the grocery store so I can save them and use them to wrap presents in. I can decorate the outside, or let the kids decorate the outside for their friend's gifts. It is a great tradition to start, but also saved money.
Marsha Rogers []
You can learn more simple techniques that allows you to save money, time, and energy by visiting the above website.
Article Source: [] Thrifty Living - 7 Tips to Start Being Frugal and Start Saving Money
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