Friday, 8 July 2011

Salts = Good Salt = Bad Read On

Salty Talk You May Like   

There has been so much said about how bad salt is for your system, others have extolled the virtues of sea salt, natural salt, and kosher salt. All the while we are not even talking about salt. As you scratch your head over that last statement, follow along and I will tell you a salty story.
You have probably heard the old expression that a man is worth his salt or some version close to it. That came from the era of roman gladiators when the soldiers would receive chunks of salt as part if there pay. So if the soldier preformed well he was considered worth his salt.
For centuries towns and villages along a saltwater coast would flood area then damn them up and allow the water to evaporate naturally leaving only the salt, they would do this repeatedly until they has a good crusty layer of salt. The process was to take wooded rakes and break up the salt into pieces that could be transported.

There were other sources such as the great salt mines of Timbuktu in Africa; here ancient deposits of old dried up seas leave vast deposits of this natural resource. These salt mines can be found all over the world. Even today there are still camel caravans transporting salt.

This is true natural salt or it once rightfully referred to as “natural salts” because the chemical make up from a natural source, unrefined contains the following:

Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D., ABC of Asthma, Allergies & Lupus

Today we wouldn’t put up with that we want nothing but the purest form. So they dissolve the natural salts, heat it and let crystals of sodium chloride form, this chemical is what give natural salts that “Salty” flavor and that what we want. In refining we have eliminated the other elements that work as a buffering agent in our systems.

We have all seen the corrosive effects of refined salt, we put in on our roads in areas were ice and snow are driving hazards. This in turn rusts away our vehicles much faster than those of people in the warmer climates. Ships at sea also rust but only do to the corrosive nature of sodium. If we were to make up sea water with only refined salt it would corrode at a much faster rate due to the lack of buffering chemicals.

When we start removing chemicals that are naturally occurring we run into problems here is an excerpt from, The Lancet (12 July 2008).
Iodine is an essential trace element; the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodotyronine contain iodine. In areas where there is little iodine in the diet—typically remote inland areas where no marine foods are eaten—iodine deficiency gives rise to goiter, as well as cretinism, which results in developmental delays and other health problems. While noting recent progress, nearly 2 billion individuals had insufficient iodine intake, a third being of school age. ... Thus iodine deficiency, as the single greatest preventable cause of mental retardation, is an important public-health problem."
In some such areas, this is now combated by the addition of small amounts of iodine to table salt in form of sodium iodide, potassium iodide, and/or potassium iodate—this product is known as iodized salt. Iodine compounds have also been added to other foodstuffs, such as flour, water and milk in areas of deficiency. Seafood is also a well known source of iodine. Thus, iodine deficiency is more common in mountainous regions of the world where food is grown in soil poor in iodine

So knowing this why did they decide to refine all of the good elements out, money, plain and simple money!

Just think of the ad they probably used:
“White salt is pure as the driven snow stay away from grey salt.”

Yes natural sea salt is grey and does taste different, but not in a bad way. Do you like salt on your food, I know I do? We all know that table salt is raising our blood pressures and leading to heart problems and strokes. Natural sea salt, with the buffering elements is actually good for you and can even lower blood pressure.

No not me, I have more hair.

I know you are wondering how I could say such things, is there any proof. What scientific studies have been under taken? First the simple answer, I have been using natural sea salt for about two years. It has a more concentrated “salty” taste so I use less, but I still use all I want.
Just before I get into the medical study I have to clarify one thing. In your stores you can find many brands calling themselves “sea salt” or even natural. The clue is if it’s pure white it’s refined. Leave it on the shelf. There are even some that might be grey and claim to be natural; the key is in the gathering of the salt. Some companies actually have the best sea salts but they use large rototiller like machines to break up the salt. They then have to do some processing to get the dirt out they have dug up. This is still better than table salt. The best method is called “Celtic sea salt” this isn’t the brand name but the method used to gather the salt. When you see Celtic you think of Ireland or even Scotland, but I haven’t been able to even find sea salt from there. The sea salt I use is from France, but it has been gathered by people with wooded tined rakes, so only the salt is broken up.

Taken in France notice the wooden rakes

The only thing that has been done to the brand I purchase is that is has been ground to make it easier to use, it does come in a very coarse style but I find that hard to regulate.

Now as promised the research. You might think that we would have to go to some major chemical company or even pharmaceutical company, but no. We are talking salt here, one of the cheapest items we can purchase. My yearly budget for the best natural Celtic sea salt is about $7.00. Large companies don’t want you to stop using their products like prescriptions to combat high blood pressure that was caused by table salt.

The actual source I am going to quote may surprise you. It’s Batman…… If you have quite finished laughing I will explain. There was a man referred by his friend as Batman because his name was hard to pronounce his real name was Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. See why they shorten it. He was given an opportunity to do a medical study by the late Ayatollah Khomeini, yeah the guy who took 52 Americans hostage in 1979-80.
Don’t be too impressed that he would have funded a research study. What actually happened was like most despots, one of the first things they do is to gather up and either kill or imprison all the intellectuals. (I would have nothing to fear, it took four tries to spell intellectuals, oops 6 tries)
Our good Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D.(Dr. B) was taken into prison. I am not going to tell you his whole story for that you have to but the book “Your Body's Many Cries for Water -You are not sick, you are thirsty!” just click on the title for a link. (I don’t make a cent, I think it should be required reading for everyone.)

In prison he was the only medical doctor and the only thing he had to treat people was water and a bit of salt. In Iranian prisons they don’t get the fancy pure white table salt the get crude chunks, which turned out to be a good thing.
I will say this about Dr. B, he was offered a release from prison but he asked to stay so that he could complete his medical study. I am sure that the officials had never heard that request but they let him stay.

I know it’s too late to say this but…. To make a long story short, Dr. B went on to do research into higher intakes of water that normal, but this lead to the depletion of natural salts from the body. So in turn it leads him to the finding about salts. So after all of this what results did he find? Here is his list.

According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, salt has many functions other than regulating the water content in the body:
• "Salt is a strong natural antihistamine. It can be used to relieve asthma by putting it on the tongue after drinking a glass or two of water."
• "Salt is vital for extracting excess acidity from inside the cells, particularly the brain cells. If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, don't go salt-free..."
• "Salt is the best diuretic that exists."
• "Salt is vital for the kidneys to clear excess acidity and pass the acidity into the urine. Without sufficient salt in the body, the body will become more and more acidic."
• "Salt is essential in the treatment of emotional and affective disorders."
• "Salt is essential for preserving the seratonin and melatonin levels in the brain. When water and salt perform their natural antioxidant duties and clear the toxic waste from the body, essential amino acids will not be sacrificed as chemical antioxidants."
• "Salt, in my opinion, is vital for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Cancer cells are killed by oxygen; they are anaerobic 'organisms'... dehydration - shortage of water and salt - suppresses the immune system and its disease-fighting cells' activity..."
• "Salt is vital for maintaining muscle tone and strength. Lack of bladder control in those who suffer from involuntary leakage of urine could be a consequence of low salt intake."
• "Salt is effective in stabilizing irregular heartbeats and, contrary to the misconception that it causes high blood pressure, it is actually essential for the regulation of blood pressure - in conjunction with water."
• "Salt is vital for sleep regulation."
• "Salt is a vitally needed element in the treatment of diabetics. It helps balance the sugar levels in the blood and reduces the need for (injected) insulin."
• "Salt is vital for the generation of hydroelectric energy in all of the cells of the body."
• "Salt is vital to the communication and information processing of nerve cells the entire time that the brain cells work - from the moment of conception to death."
• "Salt is essential for the absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract."
• "Salt is vital for clearing the lungs of mucus plugs and sticky phlegm, particularly in asthma, emphysema and cystic fibrosis sufferers."
• "Salt on the tongue will stop persistent dry coughs."
• "Salt is vital for clearing up catarrh and sinus congestion."
• "Salt is vital for the prevention of gout and gouty arthritis."
• "Salt is essential for the prevention of muscle cramps."
• "Osteoporosis, in a major way, is the result of salt and water shortage in the body."
• "Salt is absolutely vital to making the structure of bones firm."
• "Salt is vital for maintaining sexuality and libido."
• "Salt is vital for preventing varicose veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs."
According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D., "As a rule of thumb, you need about 3 grams of salt - a half teaspoon - for every 10 glasses of water, or a quarter teaspoon per quart of water." (Place a few grains on your tongue after each glass of water.) Those in heart failure - or kidney failure needing dialysis - MUST consult their doctors before increasing their salt intake. Sea salt contains about 80 mineral elements that the body needs. Some of these elements are needed in trace amounts. Unrefined sea salt is a better choice of salt than other types of salt on the market. Ordinary table salt... has been stripped of its companion elements and contains addictive elements such as aluminum cilicate to keep it powdery and porous. Aluminum is a very toxic element in our nervous system. It is implicated as one of the primary causes of Alzheimer's disease.
The above was reprinted with thanks to Global Salt INC.

Wow, right, but some of you may be asking who exactly this Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. is; this is all listed in his book and on the web site He trained in England and studied under Sir Alexander Fleming the Nobel laureate who discovered penicillin. Not bad on a résumé.

Not Me
Let’s set aside all of the research stuff and talk in plain English. I have congestive heart failure, a really awful name for a disease. Part of the symptoms is that the body retains water, my ankles would swell and I would get what’s called pitting edema. This is when you can push on your legs or ankles and the divot stays for a few seconds, likes it’s pitted. If it gets bad enough fluids can fill the area around your heart and your heart can stop. Not a good thing. My Doctor and most others prescribe Lasik which is a diuretic and it will have you peeing gallons.

The first problem is that you are also depleting your potassium and other elements but it’s the potassium that caused me the most problem. Have you ever had those really painful leg cramps that tighten your muscle into a knot? That’s what happens, one day my leg cramped worse than it had ever done and when I stood up to stretch the muscle to relieve the pain my other leg cramped, I collapsed hitting my head on my bed frame and knocked myself out. When I woke up my legs were bruised from the muscles contracting and I crawled to my bed. I latter hobbled the best I could to my car and went to the hospital. They testes my blood and I had almost zero potassium. The hospital gave me supplements.

I lived with the swelling and cramps for years until I read Dr. B’s book. He made sense when he described what was happening. I wasn’t sick I was thirsty. Because I wasn’t drinking enough water my body went into drought mode and started to retain what little water I gave it. It was stored in my legs and ankles, swelling them to the point that I would take another Lasik’s pill.
The body will do whatever it has to keep enough water to run the brain, it will store it stop it from going to less important places. Have you ever had a dry skin patch, not enough water?

After reading Dr. B’s book I started to increase my water intake to where I am now about 6 quarts/Liters per day. Of course the more you drink the more you pee, and that leads to depletion of minerals. But wait if I add just a pinch of Celtic sea salt to my water I get all of minerals I need. In total for the 6 quarts/Liters I take in about ½ teaspoon of salts.
Within one month there was no more swelling, at all. I haven’t taken a diuretic in two years. I add all of the Celtic sea salt I want to my food, and my sodium and other minerals from my blood test are perfect. With the increase of water my cholesterol levels are right where they should be, and I do eat a lot of bacon. Not everything is perfect, I am obese but dealing with that is a whole other story for another day.
There was one other thing I wasn’t going to mention but I figure I blew that “to make a long story short” two pages ago.
I had one other health problem. My heart would start what I call flopping instead of beating. The doctors call it Arrhythmia. I have had it to some extent for years. Every so often my heart would act erratic but it only lasted seconds. A few years ago I was woken up by the irregular pounding in my chest. I waited for about 15 minutes for it to pass, but it didn’t so I headed to the Emergency room. They took me in right away and they hooked me up to a heart monitor and the beat pattern was crazy.
They the hooked up an IV as they always do and said that the cardiologist would be in to see me. I waited and when the doctor came in and started to listen to my chest, my heartbeat went back to normal. They sent me home.

They might be good for grilled cheese
I was working out of town on day when I had one other Arrhythmia problems; I went into a small town hospital in the middle of the night. The doctor was on call and they had to get him in from home. He looked at the paper graph from the heart monitor, and without saying a word he grabbed the heart paddles and shocked me. That immediately fixed the problem. Have you ever seen on TV when they are using the paddles on a person who is dead and their whole body jerks, well that’s because it hurts so much that even dead you have to flinch.


I went to the hospital three other times and the same thing happened, the heartbeat converted to normal on its own. This was about the time I read Dr. B’s book and all of a sudden I realized that the only thing that the hospital had done was to hook me up to an IV which is saline solution (salt). According to Dr. B, I wasn’t sick I was thirsty.

No not me
It take a few week for your body to become as hydrated as it should be and in about week two my Arrhythmia returned, buy this time I remembered that Dr. B suggested drinking two glasses of water and putting Celtic sea salt on my tongue and let it dissolve. In less than 5 minutes my heart converted back to normal.
I have never had a problem with Arrhythmia since. Imagine salt and water, no wonder pharmaceutical companies don’t fund any research into the benefits; they would be out of business.
If you made it to the end I want to thank you. I am not a doctor but a patient who has found something that has really helped my life. I hope what I have learned will help someone.


July 8, 2011
My blood pressure, cholesterol, sodium levels, triglycerides and ph are all better than normal and that’s being about 180 lbs over weight. I am in the process of dealing with the weight so I can just imagine how good I will feel when I get the weight under control. I will probably write a whole other story about that.
I wrote the above story awhile ago I just never got around to posting it.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

An Appliance That Pays For Itself - Over And Over Again

An Appliance That Pays For Itself - Over And Over Again

Who doesn't want an appliance that pays for itself? A chest deep freezer will enable you to buy food when the price is right and save it for later. There are so many ways a deep freezer can help you save money like every week grocery stores have sales on a number of items even if you don't need it now, you will, so stock up. When you are making a big meal why not make a few more plates to put in the freezer for those nights you don't feel like cooking. Foods can be safely kept in the home freezer for 3 to 12 months. Since they are better at retaining cold air, they can preserve frozen food for longer than upright freezers. Having extra food on hand is great for that impromptu get together and unexpected company.

If you have a small family and a tight space there are many different sizes of chest freezer available. If you really want to take advantage of the savings and you have the space, a large full size chest freezer not only has room for your every day food but there is room enough to purchase large meat packages that usually save you about 40%.

Most commercially frozen foods are well packaged and you don't have to worry about freezer burn. However it is still a good idea to double wrap your meat with freezer paper. There is little to fear from bacteria or viruses in frozen foods, most microorganisms, remain alive when frozen so foods must be handled safely both before freezing and once defrosted.

The trick to having your freezer perform at peak efficiency is to keep it full. Even if you don't have enough food to fill it, use empty milk cartons, soda bottles or any other container filled with water. If it is full it can be as long as 48 hours before the motor needs to run, this will lengthen the life of your freezer.
With deep freezers, the temperature is equal for all the food where as a fridge freeze box the temperature depends on where in the box the food is located and how often the door is open.

Remember that cold air is heavier than hot air and each time you open your fridge freezer the cold air drops out, but in a chest freezer the cold air just sits even when you open the top. If the food remains frozen it is safe to eat, but how do you know what happens inside your freezer, you can purchase a Hi-Lo thermometer for just a few dollars it will show you if the temperature has been above freezing. It's an inexpensive insurance policy.

Now that you have an appliance that pays for itself, over and over again, we can try to find a way to get the TV to pay for itself, I'm still working on that.

If you would like more information on purchasing a new deep freezer check out:

Check us out.

Article Source: [] An Appliance That Pays For Itself - Over And Over Again

How To Become A Lord or Lady – A Nobel Title

Have you dreamed of becoming a Price or Princess? Well dream on I can't help you with that but I can show you how to become a Lord or Lady. Yeah I am talking about one of those fancy smancy titles that you hear about in Great Britain. I can show you how to get that title that is legit and you can have it on your business card. Imagine instead of just your name like John Smith it would legally become Lord John Smith or Lady Mary Smith. Have I piqued (no that is really how you spell peaked) your interest yet? Follow along and I will explain how to get this title and I will even direct you to the proper place.

If you are a land owner in Scotland you have the right to use the noble title of Lord or Lady. The word Laird is the Scottish pronunciation of Lord. The term Lord just means landowner. I know that purchasing a piece of property on a foreign country seems like quite a bit of work, and a massive expense. Fear not my prospective Lord or Lady, I can show you how to get a real title for about $60 and you will be helping preserve a beautiful piece of the Scottish Highlands.

You can, if you choose, use as you official name, John Smith Lord of Lochaber. Why not also take out an introductory membership of the Lochaber Country Club for just $20 if bought at the time of purchase and it will give you access to a wide range of Lordly pursuits, including fishing for Salmon and Trout and clay pigeon shooting.

A full range of Estates are offered, all of which will provide you with the same Lord or Lady title. They start at one square foot, then ten square foot, and then a large Estate is one hundred square feet. If you want to build a cottage on your land they offer the Extra-Large Estate which is a thousand square foot plot. As each plot can only be owned by one person, a Joint Pack is offered at each size, for couples or families.

Land lasts forever and your land and title of Lord or Lady can be left in your will, or even sold for profit as land values rise. You and your family will always have a place in Scotland. Just imagine what a great gift this would be for that hard to buy for person. How about your new grandchild, it's a gift that will last forever.

Your land will be located in Laird's Wood, a small part of a tract of ancient Caledonia Forest in the Scottish Highlands. It is found near the town of Fort William in the northwest area of Scotland, the actual setting may already be familiar to some who has watched the BBC show Monarch of the Glen.

If you would like more information about becoming a Lord or Lady then this site will tell you all you need to know and it also the place t go to get your land. Http://

Perhaps I'll see you there me Lords and Ladies.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Thrifty Living - 7 Tips to Start Being Frugal and Start Saving Money

By []Marsha Rogers

1) Eco-friendly Font

Save 25% more toner on your printer cartridge by simply downloading a free font that allows you to print with less ink. More toner means less shopping trips to the store and more money saved.

2. Reusable Dryer Sheet

This quick tip cut out those annoying dryer sheets you find everywhere while still giving the great feel of fabric softener. Simply take an old microfiber rag you have from washing your car by hand and soak it in your favorite fabric softener. Then hang to dry and throw it in the dryer with your clothes like you would a regular dryer sheet for up to 50 dryer cycles. I have been using this for the last month and have been extremely happy with the way the clothes have turned out. They have no static electricity and feel and smell like my favorite softener with each and every load I do.

3. Coupon Cutting Website

Finding a good coupon website can be difficult. There are so many scams out there that who has the time to find a real coupon site. Kroger's now offers you to add coupons onto your Kroger card which will automatically show up at the checkout counter. Ask friends and family for other websites and ideas as I am sure they have some they would love to share.

4. Garden Growing

Not as quick and easy as the others, but took our family only a day to make (2) 4x8 garden boxes with recycled material we had around the house. All we had to purchase was the soil and the seeds which came to $35 per box. We also built a compost bin with material a neighbor gave us. Look in your neighborhood ads for free deals on concrete blocks, rock, and other landscaping material. Often people will let you have their odd leftovers for free if you pick it up.

The garden will truly pay off in the fall when we are able to pick our own fruits and veggies which are not only organic, but free.

5. One Day of No Electricity

We chose Sunday afternoon as our day to just spend it outside, weather permitting, without all our electronic gadgets that usually distract us. No television, No iPod's, No Cell Phones (parents this includes you too!)

Now I have to say, my family was not a huge fan of this concept at first. So I got them on board by building the garden for our first day with no electricity. They didn't even realize they did it. Granted we used power tools to help build the garden boxes, but no major electronics is our standpoint. It saves the energy bill while increases our family time

6. Save Unused Coffee, Food

Unused food or coffee grinds can go in your compost pile to help give it the ingredients it needs. I also store the coffee from the morning I didn't drink in the fridge. In the afternoon I enjoy a nice iced coffee from the mornings leftovers instead of having to brew a whole new pot of coffee.

7. Say NO to Plastic Bags while shopping

I enjoy scrapbooking and creative outlets, however, these hobbies get expensive. Always needing wrapping paper around the house, I decided to start asking for paper bags at the grocery store so I can save them and use them to wrap presents in. I can decorate the outside, or let the kids decorate the outside for their friend's gifts. It is a great tradition to start, but also saved money.

Marsha Rogers []

You can learn more simple techniques that allows you to save money, time, and energy by visiting the above website.

Article Source: [] Thrifty Living - 7 Tips to Start Being Frugal and Start Saving Money

Never Forget a Name Again: Three Tips That Work

By []Andre B Thunestvedt

Are you ready to remember names and faces? You'll succeed by using these three tips and techniques to boost your memory.

Again and Again... and Again. Or, you could say, practice, practice, practice. Either way, when you meet someone whose name you want to remember, tries using their name three or four times in a conversation. It's not hard; just slip the name into normal statements and questions you'd be saying anyway. Say your boss wants you to meet the new VP, Heidi. "Hello, Heidi, nice to meet you," you begin. A little later you might ask, "Heidi, do you live near the office, or do you commute?" Or, "Has anyone shown you where the staff room is, Heidi? You're bound to need some coffee." Or, to remember her last name, ask, "I noticed your last name is Grosse. Is that a German name?"

This is a great memory technique for names, partly because it's so simple. But more important, it works.

Use Vivid, Descriptors. Just to make sure you remember Heidi's name, try using the classic technique of giving her a vivid descriptive word. The more unusual, oddball, funny, or outrageous the descriptor, the better. Heidi is pale and blonde, rather ethereal in appearance. She reminds you of a face on an icon.

So, in your head, you call her Holy Heidi. Or imagine meeting a fellow named Fred. You glance down and notice his enormous feet. In your private imagination, call him Big Foot Fred. Or when you meet Millie, you notice she's very muscular, probably works out. She becomes Mighty Millie.

You'll be surprised how effective this technique can be in helping you remember names. Just don't blurt out your imaginary monikers!

Remember the Positive Payoffs. Remembering names and faces is not an end in itself. It's the impact that you make-on your new acquaintance and yourself. The impact on your new acquaintance will be immediately obvious. You make them feel good about themselves, just by using their name. If they feel good about themselves, they'll feel good about you. Not only that, you'll impress yourself too. Remembering names is a skill that will improve your own self-esteem, especially after years of bungling introductions by forgetting.

Remembering names and faces is a win-win situation. You make somebody else feel good, and you gain self-respect. Remembering gives you a new reason to believe in yourself.

So when you meet a new acquaintance, try the new techniques. Repeat the name in conversation, focus on the person you're meeting, imagine a funny description, and glow in the double positive payoff. It's simple, and it works.

Andre Thunestvedt invites you to his website where you will get 10 expert tips on improving memory. Click on the link now to improve your memory today.

Article Source: [] Never Forget a Name Again: Three Tips That Work

Safe Senior Dating Considerations

By []Marco Lavanna

As you stay single, it is important that you prioritize your safety so that people will not take advantage of you given your age.

When you look for romance...

Being in a long-term relationship means you need to adjust to the entire new episode especially when you are only getting back on track. Certainly, things have changed and even the rules may have slightly altered but do not fret because the feelings are still the same.

You need to try and pay attention to new people along the way and focus on having fun. You can then sit back and see what romance is for you. A lot of methods are available for senior singles to meet new people. It can be through a social group in your locality, friends or online.

Prioritize safety

Your number one priority is always your safety when you get back to the dating field. Remember, you will have no one to go with you traveling to places so you need to make sure that you know your way. If you can invite someone, a friend maybe, to go with you then you both can go places and know where you will see each other.

You should agree to meet potential partners in public places where there are a lot of people, not that you are expecting something might happen but you are only prioritizing your safety. You need to get to know him or her before agreeing to go some place else. When going home, be sure that you have a clear method.

Safe online dating

With the evolving technology, the dating scene has significantly changed. One of the changes is the advent of online dating where you can meet people through various sites. It would be a great way for you to get to know people before you go out and meet them.

But, one major caution would be to very careful. Since it is online, it would be too hard to tell if they are saying the truth or not about themselves. You need to be safe by establishing your dating endeavor in a safe site that is regulated as they check people's background.

Limit Details Given

It is easy to get carried away as you meet new dating partners especially when you have remained single for a long period of time without the magic of dating. But before you even give away details about yourself especially that pertinent information regarding your life; you need to make sure that you really know someone.

Be sure that you will not fall into the traps of scam artists that will only take advantage of the potential weakness of rel=nofollow []senior singles. There are a lot of details you should not give out such as addresses, bank details or particulars especially out to someone who would push you to the edge just to get those details from you.

Dating life should not be as hard for seniors and you can make it easier if you stay safe and secured.

Article Source: [] Safe Senior Dating Considerations

Is Your Goal A BIG FAT LIE?

By []Tony C Chai

That prize, that goal, is what is supposed to keep you motivated to endure hours of boredom and mental hardship.

The truth is - most people give up on their big dreams because what they think they want is a lie!

Their big dreams of wealth, fame and power aren't their own - they're just trying to live up to other people's expectations of them.

And for most of us, trying to impress our neighbors, our colleagues at work, or even Mommy and Daddy, just isn't enough motivation to seriously change our lives.

But what if it was the other way around? What if you didn't actually need motivation at all? What if your desire to do things came easily and effortlessly, like a child wanting to go play in the yard?

It's easy, actually. Here's how:

Discover what will make YOU happy in YOUR life.

Don't think about Mom and Dad, the people at work, your friends or even your spouse. Your ability to make your life better has nothing to do with them.

What would make YOU happier?

Right now, grab a piece of paper and a pen, and start listing the things that would make YOU happy.

Write down everything that comes to mind no matter how unrealistic, silly or selfish it is.

Initially this will not be easy.

That's because you're still holding on to the thinking that you 'should' be trying to achieve based on what other people expect of you.

If you push through and keep writing, those 'fake dreams' will fall away and you will find the ideas coming from a deeper, more authentic place.

Once you have discovered the 2 or 3 things that you truly want from your life (most people only need a couple of things to be happy), take a look at the path your life is on
right now and notice how much time you spend doing or being those things.

Now, notice how much time you spend doing or being things in order to impress other people, with no true happiness coming back to you.

Question: How can you spend less time trying to be who you are not for other people, which requires tons of motivation, and spend more time being who you really are,
which takes no motivation at all?

If that question doesn't inspire you, then maybe it's time to buy another self-help book. []Download a FREE Preview of The Law of Attraction Guide The No-Fluff Cheat Sheet To Getting Anything You Want From The Cosmic Universe!. []Download Today and You'll Also Receive FREE The Law of Attraction eCourse "Getting Everything You Want Out of Life!" Delivered To Your Inbox Steadily Over The Weeks!

Article Source: [] Is Your Goal A BIG FAT LIE?

Your New Mantra For Your Life - Say - YES!

By []Cheryl Fauvel

Do you want to see, feel and experience real results of change in weeks rather than years? Well the best thing you can do is to create new positive habits, retrain your mind to accept and expect the best there is - start to say yes to your life!

So start in the morning, when you wake up say YES - today is a good day! Take some deep breaths and be grateful for your day, grateful for the first day of the rest of your life, and your life is good!

Say YES to who you are, and where you are in your life today, each step you take opens up new doors of opportunity and you are going to say yes to them all!

Fit Body - Fit Mind.

When your body is in shape everything else feels good! Get out and go for a run, or go to the gym, or at least a fast powerful walk, get your body moving and feeling good, get excited about your life. Exercise is a great time to focus and get a positive mind-set going. Get excited about how you want the day to unfold! Have fun, shout out as loud as you can, shout YES! Feel this energy surging and vibrating through your body, filling you with joy. Doesn't this make you feel powerful, how is any negativity going to get in when you feel like this, can you see how powerful this one little word is? Now imagine making it your mantra, saying it - thinking it - and feeling it!

Doubting Thomas.

When you start your day feeling super positive, and open to possibility, you are affirming this thought as energy that runs right through your body, and into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is used to telling you what to do, and keeping you on the side of caution - more like holding you back! All of a sudden it has to listen to this strong positive energy and the little doubting voice will not be heard.

Keep this up and your mind is within your control rather than it controlling you. You have developed positive affirming magical energy and mind-set and your doubting Thomas of a subconscious mind has to follow you! You are retraining it to listen to you!

This morning ritual will get you feeling good about your body, keep it up and your body will be amazing, your confidence and power is growing, the rest of your life will follow suit, just keep saying yes!

The more you practice saying "yes" to life, the more you will raise your energy vibration. You will build and strengthen your ability to attract whatever it is that you want and desire.

You are responsible for your life and your achievements, you have the power to control your mind, make the decision today - say yes and live the life of your dreams.

Life is short, is it time you said yes, or do you want to remain unfulfilled, come on get excited and live your dream - live your vibrant life! Say Yes! My Success to you, to all you deserve and desire!

Cheryl Fauvèl

Article Source: [!&id=6145264] Your New Mantra For Your Life - Say - YES!